
½ cup Butter (120mL)
½ cup cocoa (120mL)
1 cup brown sugar (240mL)
2 eggs
½ tsp vanilla (3mL)
¼ tsp salt (1.5mL)
½ cup chopped nuts (optional) (120mL)
Try these family-friendly brownies from our Rogers #BakefromHome Contest winner Suzanne and her daughter! Perfect for a last-minute chocolate craving.


1.Preheat oven to 350F
2.Melt butter
3.Stir in cocoa and sugar
4.Add in 1 egg at a time and vanilla
5.Blend in Rogers All-Purpose Flour, salt & nuts
6.Spread in greased 8×8” pan
7.Bake for 20-35 minutes
8.Test with a toothpick. When it comes out clean, the brownies are done
9.Frosting: Blend butter & cocoa, gradually add icing sugar. Add vanilla & milk. Spread over cooled cake or slightly warm, for a shiny smooth look

#StayHomeAndBake Contest Winner!

Suzanne’s daughter was excited to win the Rogers #StayHomeandBake Contest!

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