…no more standing over the stove, let it bake while you get ready for the day


1.ROGERS Porridge Oats are available in 3 flavours, Healthy Grains, Ancient Grains or Steel Cut Blend, any of which can be used in this recipe.
2.Mix the first 3 dry ingredients and stir in fruit, if using.  Add the milk and set aside.
3.Mix well in another bowl the remaining ingredients 
4.Combine the two mixtures and pour into a greased  9 by 5 loaf pan or 8 in square baking dish.
5.Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 min.  until you see the first sign of colour around the edges.
6.Remove from oven and let oats set for a few minutes before serving.
7.Can be eaten Hot or Cold topped with milk or yogurt
8.Store in refrigerator, for 2 or 3 days

…no more standing over the stove, let it bake while you get ready for the day

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